Lade Karte ...
Hallo zusammen,
wir treffen uns jeden Freitag in der Düsseldorfer Altstadt, um verschiedene Sprachen zu sprechen! Welche Sprachen gesprochen werden, hängt natürlich von den Teilnehmern ab.
Wir sitzen oben in der 1. Etage.
Wir sehen uns!
Hi everybody,
We meet every Friday in the old town of Düsseldorf to speak different languages! The languages spoken depend on the participants of course.
We are sitting usptairs on the 1st floor.
See you there!
Hi, my name is Zülal Doğa Aydın, I come from Turkey and am 23 years old. I am currently learning German and participating in a B1 level German course as of now, and hold a A2 Goethe Zertifikat. I have never participated or joined the activities of Sprachcafes or Sprachtreffen. Can you tell me little about how does it work, who can particioate, how many people generally come to meetings, and what do you do, talk about? Is it also taking place at 31.01.2025 at 19:00 as well? I am interested in participating and hope that you can provide me some insights!